Kirkpatrick Sale’s Malthusian War on Industry, Progress, and the Modern Nation-State
Does Ukraine have anything to lose from desperate strikes against nuclear power plants?
How Vandana Shiva undermines the developing world with organic agriculture
Is the anti-nuclear movement being replaced with something worse for humanity?
Fox Green explains how the globalist empire uses food and energy to prevent nation building and ultimately control the world. Fox also has plenty to say about King Charles, Dr. Vandana Shiva, RFK Jr., the US presidential election and more.…
Independent researcher and journalist Alex Dimitrios discusses the importance of energy, and details the Aquarian conspiracy to sabotage Three Mile Island, which 45 years ago suffered what is portrayed as the worst nuclear disaster in U.S. history, despite the fact…
The story of Three Mile Island isn't what happened after. It's what happened in the decades before.
I had the pleasure of joining Johnny Vedmore, independent journalist and documentarian on his NEWSPASTE Podcast. Check out this fun conversation where we delve into Robert Kennedy Jr. and his Malthusian NGO grift, using technology for the good of the…
How did an ideology once considered 'productivist', 'Promethean' and 'anti-ecological' become the basis for 'degrowth communism'?
Small is Beautiful: Economics as if People Mattered by E.F. Schumacher is one of the most influential books you’ve never heard of. In this episode we discuss the full background, context and legacy of this small-but-mighty philosophical work that has…
In November 2022 The Breakthrough Institute (BTI), drawing from Academia, NGOs, and the UN, released a report, which others digested, on the supposed inextricable link between the solar industry’s supply chains and Uyghur slave prison labor in China. China denies…