On Sunday, February 26 I gave a lecture for the Rising Tide Foundation titled “How China and Russia Revived Nuclear Energy.”
The presentation tells the story of how the end of the Bretton Woods gold standard, the rise of extreme environmentalism, the dismantlement of the Eisenhower-era Atomic Energy Commission and the fake oil crisis of 1973 all combined to destroy nuclear energy in the United States.
However, since the low point of the Chernobyl incident in 1986, China and Russia have not only helped the nuclear power industry recover, they have combined forces to advance it far into the future, not only for their own people, but for the betterment of the developing world.
The presentation also includes information about the sabotage of Three Mile Island, The China Syndrome with Jane Fonda, globalist meddling in South Africa, and how environmentalists have hijacked the legacy of Thomas Cole and the Hudson River School.
Some of the articles referenced:
How Nuclear Energy’s Promise Was Nearly Destroyed – Marsha Freeman, 2005
China’s 14 Biggest Nuclear Plants Under Construction – Me
The New Cold War Plays Out in South Africa Over Electric Infrastructure – Me
Geopolitics Proving That Renewables are for Show, Nuclear is for Dough – Me
The Real Reason Why U2 & AOC Flipped On Anti-Nuke Advocacy – Me
If RFK Jr and the greenies argued that a hydro dam would block their view of the Hudson river scenery, will they also use this argument against building renewables, like these ugly windmills that block our view of the nice scenery, and leave us instead with the scene of dead birds?
They seem to only care when it is blocking their view. RFK Jr has already argued against windmills when they end up blocking the view at the famous Kennedy compound vacation spot off Cape Cod (https://www.foxnews.com/us/kennedys-kochs-help-kill-planned-wind-farm-off-cape-cod).