Breaking America: How Bioregionalism Seeks to Dismantle the Nation State
Kirkpatrick Sale’s Malthusian War on Industry, Progress, and the Modern Nation-State

The Religious Roots of Transhumanism: Silicon Valley Hippie Eugenics Explored (Fox Green RTF Lecture)
Breaking the false binary of Back-to-the-land hippies vs Transhumanist Tech Bros

The Hudson River School’s Battle Against False Binaries: Conservation vs. Preservation
Thomas Cole's Artistic Intervention Against Entropy

Are Sri Lanka’s Elections a Rejection of Western Degrowth Policies?
Sri Lanka Continues to Be a Battleground for EU/ESG Policies vs. A New, BRICS-Led Paradigm of Development

The Nuclear Tire Fire That Wasn’t: The Zaporizhzhia Propaganda War Rages Between Russia and Ukraine
Does Ukraine have anything to lose from desperate strikes against nuclear power plants?

Energy/Empire: Part 2 Ideological War on Sri Lanka
How Vandana Shiva undermines the developing world with organic agriculture

RIP Anti-Nuclear Movement. Hello Anti-China Movement.
Is the anti-nuclear movement being replaced with something worse for humanity?

Was Three Mile Island an Inside Job?
The circumstances of the biggest nuclear incident on American soil are a little too convenient.

Ecology: A New Religion to Replace Christianity
The origins of ecology and how it spawned the organic food movement

Fox Green on The Johnny Vedmore Show, TNT Radio | March 30, 2024
Fox Green explains how the globalist empire uses food and energy to prevent nation building and ultimately control the world. Fox also has plenty to…

Alex Dimitrios on The Johnny Vedmore Show, TNT Radio | March 29, 2024
Independent researcher and journalist Alex Dimitrios discusses the importance of energy, and details the Aquarian conspiracy to sabotage Three Mile Island, which 45 years ago…