Geopolitics Proving That Renewables are for Show, Nuclear is for Dough

How Nuclear Power Development and Uranium Are Becoming the Building Blocks of a Sovereign Nation-State

The New Cold War Plays Out in South Africa Over Electric Infrastructure

How the Belt and Road Initiative Summit in China and Africa’s Energy Week Showcase a New Path Forward

Dystopian Future: Environmentalists Using Nationalization as a Tool of Destruction

Why 'Shutting Down Fossil Fuels' Shouldn't Be the Mantra of Nationalization

One Child Policy: How Henry Kissinger, the Rockefeller Foundation and the Club of Rome Invaded China With Malthusian Ideology

At the dawn of the PRC in 1949, Mao upheld existing Marxist and Sun Yat Sen's views about Malthusianism.

The Real Reason Why U2 & AOC Flipped On Anti-Nuke Advocacy

And it has nothing to do with environmentalism

Nuclear for Me but Not for Thee

Bill Gates has been investing in SMR nuclear technology, but for what ends: to benefit society or to power data centers?

Fox Green on Jerm Warfare with Jeremy Nell, Aug 24, 2023

Fox joins Jeremy Nell on TNT Radio show Jerm Warfare to discuss the report: Maintaining Empire via Food and Energy: Cuba & Sri Lanka Listen…

Maintaining Empire via Food and Energy: Cuba & Sri Lanka

How deindustrialization has been used as a geopolitical tool to maintain the Globalist Empire and the personalities, NGOs and media narratives that promote the anti-human…

Pollution is code for overpopulation

The deeper meaning behind VP Harris' gaffe about reducing the population

China's 14 Biggest Nuclear Plants Under Construction

China is leading the world with over 26 GW of new nuclear in progress

Ep 036 The Green Movement Monster (feat. Ben Pile)

On this episode we are joined by Ben Pile, a researcher, commentator and blogger. He is the co-founder and main writer of the Climate Resistance…

Beautiful Breezewood, Pennsylvania

It’s always interesting to see the reactions to the Breezewood meme every time it makes the rounds. A striking composition of roads and logos, the…

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