Ep 035 Debunking the Eco-Terrorist Zeitgeist (feat. Matthew Ehret)
On this episode we talk to Matthew Ehret, journalist, artist, Senior Fellow of American University in Moscow. We cover topics like: Ted Kaczynski, eco anarchism/terrorism,…

Bike identity is a product of the degrowth movement
“They’re killing us” muttered Stacey Randecker as she watched the ambulance finally pull out of her bike lane on a rainy San Francisco morning. We…

Robert Kennedy Jr is Anti-Technology and Anti-Humanity
Robert Kennedy Jr is trending again because he just went on Joe Rogan’s podcast and is now soliciting a debate from pro-vaccine advocate Dr. Peter…

Ep 034 There are No Limits to Scientific Abundance (feat. Cynthia Chung)
In this episode we talk to Cynthia Chung, President of the Rising Tide Foundation and a writer at Strategic Culture Foundation. Topics include: geopolitics, Davos/World…

Ep 033 Small Is Not Beautiful: Debunking E.F. Schumacher
Small is Beautiful: Economics as if People Mattered by E.F. Schumacher is one of the most influential books you’ve never heard of. In this episode…

Ep 032 The Anti-Industry Industry (feat. Robert Bryce)
In this episode we’re joined by writer, film producer, and podcaster Robert Bryce to talk about the decadence of American society, the anti-industry industry, “environmental”…

What’s the Problem with RFK JR’s Green Energy Paradigm? Canadian Patriot Interviews Fox Green, Apr 26, 2023
MatthewEhret · What's the Problem with RFK JR's Green Energy Paradigm? [CP Interviews Fox Green]

RFK, Jr.’s Destructive Environmental Record
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. appears to be bringing anti-war message back to the Democratic Party. But his environmental rhetoric and record is more of the…

Ep 031 Africa Needs Fossil Fuel (feat. Jusper Machogu)
We’re joined by Jusper Machogu, an agricultural engineer and farmer in Kenya to talk about: climate alarmism, fertilizer, farming, climate scam, co2, The UN, sustainable…

Ep 030 Climate Change Activists Do Not Speak for Indigenous People (feat. John Desjarlais, IRN)
On this episode we are joined by John Desjarlais, the new executive director of the Indigenous Resource Network (IRN). We talk about: indigenous sovereignty, development…